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About Pablos Art Studios

Pablos Art Studios in Wellington offers free arts opportunities such as materials, workshops, demonstrations, individual tuition, discussion and critique groups, exhibition opportunities, outings, and outreach programmes, as well as individual and group art therapy. Artists work at their own desk or at a communal table.

Participants are Tangata Mātau ā wheako (have a lived experience of mental health). They enter Pablos’ service where the focus is on supporting/maintaining mental wellbeing. Artists work independently or collectively towards their creative goals, balancing their independent art practice with workshops or collaborations.

Kei a Pablos te mahi a ngā ratonga utukore e taea ai te whai; pēnei i ngā rauemi, ngā awheawhe, ngā whakaaturanga pūkenga; te ako kanohi ki te kanohi, te  whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro ā rōpū, ngā haerenga, ngā hōtaka ā hapori; ka mutu ko te haumanu toi hei rōpū, hei takirua rānei. Mahi ai ngā ringatoi ki ō rātou ake papamahi, ki tētāhi papamahi nui ā-iwi rānei. He tāngata mātau ā wheako ngā ringatoi e kuhu ai ki Pablos mō te āta tiaki i te hauora hinengaro te take. He mahi takitahi, he mahi takitini rānei tā te ringatoi hei whai i ōna hua auaha. Ka mahi pērā ia, ka whakatautikaina e ia tōna ake mahi toi ki ngā awheawhe, ki ngā mahi ā rōpū rānei.

What others say

“It works!”

“Pablos art therapy groups allow thoughtful expression of self-recognition of feelings and close connections to art.”

“I love the social connection and creativity.”

“I value being able to share in a group experience.”

“Pablos is a positive place for me to come regularly.”

“I have found the tutors outstanding, welcoming and well boundaries – such a depth of knowledge pertaining art technique.”

“I value being involved with my peers in our safe constructive community.”

“It’s an amazing privilege to be able to come here and have tutors and art supplies supplied for us. It’s given me a sense of purpose and a reason to get out of the house.”

“It’s calming, allows for freedom of thought and feelings of achievement.”


Three main approaches

There are three main approaches that Pablos adopts to its operations:

  • bottom-up, empowering the service-user voice
  • person-centred, ensuring all activities are tailored to each person’s unique needs/goals
  • recovery, focusing on creating positive opportunities for the future living with one’s
    illness rather than hoping for a cure. 


The adaptability inherent in these approaches enables Pablos to respond to the community’s changing needs. Arts-based interventions in mental health establish huge benefits that build resilience and motivation, including:

  • self-expression
  • social connection
  • peer support.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday

10am to 4.30pm



Our Funders / Supporters

 Wellington Community Trust

 Capital and Coast District Health Board


 Ministry of Social Development


 Frozen Funds Charitable Trust

Ministry of Culture & Heritage


Wellington City Council


NZ Lottery Grants Board

Department of Internal Affairs

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